We can learn so much from history. Please don’t let those who dismiss and try to erase History fool ya.
In the beginning, God set up a universe with genuinely free creatures, which can truly impact their surroundings—for good or for evil. The reason God did this is because if God wanted real relationship with His creatures, ones He could love and who could love Him in return, there was no other way to do it. Relational love, if it is to be real love, must be free love. Love that is forced is not love; but something closer to psychological rape. Real love cannot force itself on others; nor can it force others to love in return.
Since God wanted true and genuine love with us, He gave us true and genuine freedom. God knew the risks of such a gift. In fact, based on His divine foreknowledge and His experience with the rebellion of the angels, God knew that His gift of freedom to humanity would likely result in our rebellion as well. And it did. But when Adam and Eve sinned, God did not step in to stop them. To do so would have been to deny their genuine freedom. Freedom isn’t freedom if God stepped in to stop things when freedom is used in wrong ways.
Like it or not, just as this was true of God letting Adam and Eve use their freedom as they did, it is also true of God letting each and every person on planet earth use their freedom as they will. Just as God did not stop Adam and Eve, He does not stop us from saying mean things to our spouses, cheating on our taxes, overeating, or letting a curse word slip every now and then. Nor does He stop murderers, thieves, rapists, and child molesters. We wish He would, but once God intervenes in the freedom He has given, it is no longer freedom. For God, freedom is worth the cost. If Man lets man interfere with the freedoms they do suffer the consequences…
I will always strive to follow the Prophet’s doctrine and revelations and church talks etc, good speakers, and pasters from other Christian religions. But If I want personal answers I shouldn’t just depend on them, or anyone else. The Lord needs leaders not followers. I will make up my own mind on things after prayer. They don’t know everything, and they shouldn’t, why should we hold them to a standard that is impossible for a human?
Besides, I'm going to pray for, honor, and respect who ever becomes our President because this is what the Lord askes us to do.