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Tuesday, April 3, 2018


What is it?  Who is Christ?  Who am I?

Ok here is my opinion. You can take it or leave it.....

Jesus Christ was born to a young innocent, possibly 14 year old virgin girl named Mary. Mary coming from royal descent, but now humble from humble means due to the Roman rule. The conception happened as God through the Holy Ghost impregnated her without any sexual connection called "the immaculate conception" ( you just need to have some faith as to how that happened)

Jesus is the Son of God, who is our elder brother. He agreed to come to Earth and get a mortal body to and give the ultimate sacrifice in order to bridge that gap between us and God that Adam brought about by the great fall. Now there was another who wanted to do this, however, his reasons were selfish and self glorifying. Of Course God the Father chose Jesus as he was pure of heart and desired only the salvation of all.

He is the way, the only way by which we can make our way back into God's presence after living in the flesh.  He loves us with an unconditional love greater than any creature can imagine!
We are all born with the light of Christ in us.

There is a war that began in Heaven and that still rages here on earth. We are warriors thrown into a playing field with blinders on. Chirst is our captain with always an outstretched hand holding a torch in the darkness. But it is the law of the Universe that we must work to remove the blinders ourselves and reach out and take His hand and look toward that light. It is the Light of Christ that protects us and gives us the strength to fight the darkness.

He gives us commandments, not to rule over us or to limit our experience, but for our own good. When we do our best to follow and keep His commandments, we gain strength and protection in a world of pain and affliction. No He will not take our troubles away or stop bad things from happening to us and around us. He can't for that would be taking away the lessons and trials of which we came to live in the flesh to experience. This is our proving ground. Our School. But what He will do is change our hearts and strengthen our Spirits so that we can work through the tradgedies and trials and strengthen ourselves and those around us. The blessings are so needed and so amazing if we only do what He asks us to do. I call it the strength and know how to make lemon-aid out of the lemons this life hands us.

Everyone has a fear or a hardship that keeps us from doing what we know down deep inside what we should do. We rationalize and convince ourselves why it is ok for us not to follow through: Me, it has always been my fear of rejection or ridicule. I have always been different and unable to get along socially...I am very emotional and when I try to express my feelings into words, the words come out wrong and others interpret it as offensive or down right stupid.

The beginnings:
Only being able to hear certain tones growing up, most of the time I did not understand verbal instructions from teachers, I was to bashful and fearful to ask them to repeat so I would just look at them and not really know what to do. So when they lost patience with me, I would be hurt and begin to cry. This kind of behavior caused my peers to make fun of and bully me. So many years of this gave me a deep fear of going anywhere that I would be in mixed crowds with people I didn't know.
As I grew up, I learned to pretend that I knew what others were saying when I really could not hear them correctly. I got very good at faking it. I didn't realize that I was even doing this until recently when I had a true in depth hearing test. Now I see that through the years many people assumed that I was being dishonest with them and judged me harshly. This just furthered my social anxiety disorders.  Doing this exhausts me and when I go out to church, or any social function, I get home so tired that I cannot function.
All my life I have let this stop me from socializing, going to church, and going to auditions etc...Not to mention the anxiety of feeling that others are misunderstanding me and judging me. Then getting angry at myself.

Through the love of Christ expressed to me in the past 10 years though family and dear friends, I have been able to carry my cross and recognize His promised blessings that  really do come when we do our best to follow His commandments.  One of which is so very important is to Love one Another. and along with that do not judge our fellow man.  When I do my best to serve others and think of and pray for others, He is in turn taking care of me, giving me strength and taking care of my daily needs.  I am so thankful for the basic Christian up bringing that my Parents gave me.

In the name of My Savior Jesus Christ Amen!