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Sunday, June 26, 2011


This handsome young man is my Donny. He has grown to be such a wonderful and strong young man. I am very proud of how smart and handsome he is. I only wish he didn't live 1000 miles away. It was wonderful visiting with him when he came to visit. I hope to see him again very soon, I miss and love him.


Well, just like the rest of my girls Gynny has an amazing voice! She has been doing theater for the last 2 years and loving it.
She is auditioning for American Idle on the 2nd of July in Portland. Then she is also auditioning for the next "The Voice". Lets all wish her the best.
I have no doubt that she will do great! I'll be there cheering her on.


My Chrissie. She has grown to such a wonderful independent young woman. I am so proud of her. She is in Hollywood working to achieve her dreams. Her voice is so amazing and she is using it to make the world a better place. Check out her website.
I am so excited! I am going to finally be a Grandma! Yes, my oldest son Benjamin and his wife Jessica are going to be Mommy and Daddy! I love my Benjamin so much and my new daughter in-law, Jessica is such a smart and beautiful girl. I have come to love her so very much. It is so hard having them live 1000 miles away. I check Facebook for new pics all the time. I hope they will send me pics all the time. In all the mess of the economy, I am so proud of them because they are both working and keeping a good home for themselves. It is hard having a family so split apart accross the country. I am hoping they will be able to move a little closer so there is a chance I will be able to hold my new little grand baby in the future.


I now have two grand children and I am so proud of Ben and Jess. They are good parents.

I love my kids

My baby is a young man now living all by himself in Bizmark ND. I sure miss him. I can't call him cause he doesn't have a phone. Every once in a while I get a glimps of him on Facebook.
I hope a pray he is well with all the flooding in that part of the country. Thank God for all the wonderful ways to communicate! Back when I was little, all there was, was pay phones (land lines), and good old snail mail. You could die waiting for that. Elliott's a good boy and I know he won't get into trouble. But I sure wish he would communicate with me. Elliott, your Mom loves ya.

My Happiness is my Children

I am so proud of my Anndrea! She has buckled down and changed her life, thus saving her 0wn life by eating right and exercising her way to better health. She has lost over 50lbs since she started this whole thing. It takes motivation, determination, and most of all happiness! Yes, happiness...attitude is so important. As soon as she quit relying on others for her happiness and started creating her own happiness things began to change. I know, cause that’s what I did too. It's not easy, personalities that thrive on having positive and happy people around them, and making others happy, tend to depend on others to stay happy. As soon as those around them become unhappy, they start stewing and wondering what it is they did to cause it. People like us can fall into terrible ruts. This is why we all have to learn how to create our own happiness and always give credit and thankfulness to the ones who created us; both heavenly and earthly.